Why I’m Closing The Science of Sound
The Science of Sound has been a unique experiment from the start. And a walk on a tightrope. Unfortunately, I’m unable to continue the website in its current form. Here’s why.
Since the beginning of The Science of Sound in January, I have posted a new in-depth article about audio technology every single week (with only one single embarrassing exception). The goal was to provide access to the knowledge and way of thinking that goes into the design and implementation of audio equipment. The engineer’s perspective, so to say.
A crazy amount of work went into the content on this website over time and it wasn’t always easy to maintain the posting schedule. But committing to posting weekly was the only way to not create another dusty blog with three posts. And I’m very proud of the results!
However, you might imagine that maintaining such a blog and posting such content is always a tightrope walk for a development engineer. On the one hand, I want to post unique and insightful content, on the other hand I need to be careful not to disclose trade secrets, possibly hurting my employer’s business. Thus, I couldn’t do such a project without my employer’s consent, and I am deeply thankful that my current employer – Kemper Amps – has supported this endeavor.
Now in the past weeks, I had to make some difficult decisions with a huge impact on my career and personal life. I decided to leave Kemper Amps and join Sennheiser next year. This is a great opportunity for me to grow further, both professionally and personally.
But as you might imagine, Sennheiser is a significantly larger company, with diverse knowhow and strong competition. As such, they are highly protective of their intellectual property. Consequently, I wasn’t able to reach an agreement regarding this project with my new employer.
Given the amount of work that lies before me in the next few months – handing over my projects to colleagues, moving to another city, preparing a conference talk and coping with the overall craziness of the situation – I decided stop the regular commitment sooner rather than later. That is, today.
That means the website as it is with all its current content will stay online, but there will be no regular new posts from now on. It doesn’t mean that there will be no posts at all, but none in the form you’re currently used to. I plan – however – to continue using The Science of Sound as a platform to post hints and links to interesting articles and resources occasionally.
I’m sorry to bring you this news today, but currently there is no other way.
Thank you for being with me all this time and for motivating me every week! This was a huge growth experience for me and I hope you were able to get some insight out of my articles as well.
If you’d like to have a chat, I’ll stay within reach via the usual channels: the contact form, Facebook, Twitter and of course the comment sections. Keep being awesome!